new music 2022
Si el mundo para de girar, Seré tu ancla para que no Te esfumes con la gravedad.

Wake up, wake up Mr. Postman,
coz it's time to do your job...
Get up, get up Mr. Postman,
coz you have a job to do.

You want my sympathy, but you destroy every part of me. You let me bleed out. You let me so down.
Amelia Michelle

But it could be one night when I Fall asleep slowly. And dream of your lovely face. Waiting there to erase my troubles at least for a moment.
Romina Von Mohr

You think it’s easy doing one night stands. Try playing in a rock n roll band.

Te veo entre las voces. Te oigo entre la luz. ¡La palma de tus manos sabe a sangre, andaluz!
Será Cero

Algo esta cambiando a la humanidad.
Algo esta cambiando, mi manera de pensar. Algo esta cambiando y nos quiere hacer pagar. Algo esta cambiando, y nos quiere aniquilar.
Milicia Rock

Between the gates of reality and the visions I see Schitzo!

I was just telling my friend about that.